Thursday, November 29, 2018



What depend in Inviting People to your Network Marketing Business Presentation?
Inviting people to your Network Marketing Business Presentation depends on how they view you. They are your close friends or do you barely know them?

Inviting People You Are Close To,
If you’re close with someone; you don’t need to say them a big Sales Opportunity or Job.
Just say, “Hey, I just came to know with product that can give a great benefit to us apart of our regular benefits, I’d like for you to come with me and let we check it out together.”
Be non-salesy, non-hypey.

"A Perfect Network Marketing Invitation call ends within 3 minutes!"
Inviting People You Are NOT Close To,
Now, if you’re trying to approach someone and get them to a meeting that you don’t know so well, you’re going to talk about benefits. I would just think about your product, what benefits does it have, and Focus on BENEFITS. Now, these benefits should be in all of your marketing.
If you look at most network marketers, what they put on their Banners a lot of you guys update these cool banners on Facebook. But the problem is you don’t even talk about one benefit.
No one wants to be with you. They want to know the benefits of being with you. So stop updating banners and flyers on Facebook or social media because when they see the name of company they will go to search in a little-known resource called "".
and what conclusion could that be? Well, when they Google it, guess what? They find the concision that "it is the work of Chain Member? No Way will I never go for the meeting of this nasty work."
That’s the conclusion that they draw. They do their own research because you’ve given them the keys to the kingdom. So,

Provide a solution to their problem
It is a process of 3-4 meeting or telephonic conversations to invite any unknown person for your business presentations,
Look; if you meet to me today and tell me to come with you for a great opportunity that can change my current situation and can solve all my problems than defiantly i will not take it seriously, but if you only print an impression on me as a social and gentleman than probably i will approach you by myself to continue conversation.

So here I am sharing the steps you can follow to invite any person perfectly,

After a casual conversation with the person use FORM to know his/her need:
F – Family Chit Chat
O – Occupation
R – Recreation
M – Message

Ask about the Family; if the person is unmarried ask about the parents/brother/sister.

and if the person is married ask about the children.
Come in the 2nd point Occupation what the person is doing, if the person is serving job than how’s the job is going on, how’s the boss always try to know the unhappiness behind the happy face.

If the person is doing the business how the business is going on talk some market facts about the industry in which he is dealing. Talk about the liabilities and profits.
Till now you are able to reach the person's satisfactions level, now talk about the recreation like what the new he is thinking to do to overcome with these problems.

Probably they have plan to settle a business at the age of 40/50 after their retirement- only if they will have enough money according to their plan (when the whole life without any uncertain situation).
Then, could they will be able to enjoy the benefits of their work?

Now come at the last but not the least point-Message (Invitation) you can use this script now,

"I am also in Job / Business, but was not fully satisfied with it, so I was looking for some extra income options & I came across a project… (Give very brief introduction of your opportunity)."

(Now you are giving solution to the person by offering your opportunity), how about having a look at the project? If it suits you we shall work together?

The most effective flow for a Network Marketing presentation to follow is: explain the current problem and offer a Solution.

Have a Call to action
Make sure when you close the meeting you have a call to action, don’t be afraid to ask people to do something.
Finally follow up on everyone who attended your meeting, including your distributors, this is an area where many people fall down, they invite someone to a meeting and then they wait for the person to ring them?

Always invite more people than you anticipate showing up
Always remember the ratio of Sales 10:6:3:1 If you will invite Ten (10) people for presentation, Six (6) will come, Three (3) will listen you and One (1) will come with you.
Life gets in the way sometimes and there is nothing we can do about it, so invite more than you want to attend.

Invitation call should be done before 24 – 48 hours only
You should give an invitation call to the prospect 24 – 48 hours only before the business presentation. If you invite him 5 – 7 days before business presentation, you will again call him a day before or same day of business presentation to confirm if he’s coming or not than the prospect will feel that you need him & you will lose your attitude. And also as a human being we only prefer to schedule for next 24-48 hours, when the time goes so long it will definitely become an unsure plan. 
Importance of Edification
When you are scheduling a meeting and taking time from the prospect Edify him/her about your mentor, so that he/she will give you a definite time and if due to any emergence situation he/she will cancel it they will inform you by them-self. 
"Always edify the speaker more than the guest."
Another Importance of Edification is to create curiosity in the mind of the prospect to meet with a very successful person of industry and this due to this curiosity He/She will listen the presentation carefully that will help him/her to the benefits of the business. And this will help to the prospect to take a positive decision with conscious mind.

Maintain Your Attitude
This is something very important while inviting the prospect for network marketing business opportunity presentation. While you are inviting the prospect, make sure the prospect should not feel that you need him.
Always remember / keep in mind, you are giving an opportunity to the prospect to help him change his life. You should always keep your self-respect & never beg him to come to see the business presentation.
Always take a Confirmation
On the scheduled day when you are supposed to meet the prospect, before leaving for the meeting venue you should call the prospect & confirm if he’s coming on time for the meeting. This is important so that if in the case due to any reason he’s not coming you can utilize your time.

Stop making your marketing materials Google-able. Stop it. Focus on benefits. Vision is so important. Help prospect to find their vision. We live in a world that fully lacks integrity. So if you want five people there, just go ahead and call 25, call 30. Means you need to invite more than you plan on having. Always edify the speaker more than the guest. Like By the way, whoever the speaker is, is the greatest speaker of all time. Don’t waste your time on insincere people your time is precious. 

Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of21st Century

30 Days Habits for beginner in Network Marketing


What makes a network marketer successful? 

Ask ten different people and you’ll receive slightly different answers,

Habits either hold you back from accomplishing your goals or push you forward on the road to success.

"What your goals in life are determine what kind of habits you should cultivate."
If you’re starting a network marketing business, then you’ll need to develop a the daily habits for 30 days, it will help you to grow your team faster with your confidence: 

1. Making List: Make list of 100 people in one day in the manner of Warm/Cold.

2. Replicate the Feel 5 Everyday:

  • I got an opportunity to change my life and want to change others.
  • habits-for-beginner-in-network-marketing

  • I help others to succeed, regardless of their 
  • education or what business or field they have 
  • been in.
  • habits-for-beginner-in-network-marketing
    • I want maintain important relationships in  this busy life.
    • habits-for-beginner-in-network-marketing

    • I want to smile and make people smiling.

    • I will take care of 
    • my Family from now 
    • not after death 
    • and help 
    • others to do same.
    1. Wake up: 6:00am
    2. Read “FEEL5”, books of personal development or marketing and sales and
    success stories – 6:30am to 7:30am
    3. 7:30am – 8 am: Exercise or Yoga
    4. 10:00am : Reach Office
    • Start calling/chat with people from your list [spare time at office]
    • Avoid Facebook/ Net Surfing
    •  Avoid time wasting talks

    5. If you not able to call or chat with people then use internet for to explore :
    • MLM Success tips
    • Network Marketing action plan
    • MLM Power
    • MLM top earner worldwide and their action plan
    6. After office talk with minimum 10 peoples with the mindset of “FEEL5” from
    your list.


    DAY 1:
    You have to talk with 15 peoples from your list everyday. [max. 4
    minutes for each over call]
    Note: Attempt 25
    DAY 2:
    Again call those 15 peoples and feel their need and how they facing
    problem in their life because of money and time problem.
    DAY 3:
    Ask them weather they have option or anyway to overcome money and
    time problem. Finally tell them I will definitely help you out. Give me 1
    or 2 days.
    DAY 4:
    Each one of them will call you and ask for opportunity, tell them YES I
    have but for that you need to change yourself and devote time 2 hrs per
    day without disturbing your JOB [4 times]
    {tu rahnde SHYAD tere se ni ho payega} For Close friends only

    DAY 5:

    1. Read books and watch videos to retain your positive attitude.
    2. 15 calls daily or meet up [1 hour]
    3. Previous 15 follow up and line ups.
    4. BP time management after discussing with UPLINE
    5. Preparing list of guests for SEMINAR

    1. You have to present at the time of BP till closing.
    2. UPLINE edification is must
    3. Accurate Business Plan
    4. Closing [Payment via online transfer or Cheque or Cash
    5. Follow-up
    6. Sign-up
    7. Education/ Training/ Seminar

    1. Near and Dear [10]
    2. High Caliber professionals [5]
    Invite only by asking,

    Do you want to make money?


    1) Belief in the Network Marketing Industry
    2) Chance to Learn
    NOTE: “Every Speaker who comes on stage has
    different content & style of doing the business”

    3) Duplication 

    It’s always “Monkey See, Monkey Do”.

    4) Bonding with upline (Life line) & Heart line. don't interfere with other
    groups of up line or anyone.
    If anything positive then spread it with ur Heart Line, if anything u feel
    negative then only discuss with ur Upline.

    5) Motivation

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing
    – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
    Hence it gets very important for you to attend business seminar,
    where you are surrounded with positive, ambitious entrepreneurs who
    go out there to achieve their Dreams & help you & motivate you for
    doing same.

    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

    Sunday, November 25, 2018

    Closing Tips- Close Any Network Marketing Prospect


    Closing is not a Script It is completely based on Prospect to Prospect, as a business person you have to be a learner for Six (6) Months if you want to close any prospect.

    When you start your Network Marketing Business you have to assume yourself as an intern; Hear your upline, Note the Points, and Practice with your teammates and your upline.

    Here I am sharing some closing tips to close any network-marketing prospect 👇 

    1. Act as Consultant

    Now, sometimes you will get some crazy answers from these questions.  Someone might say they’d want to make 1,00,000/- a month, working only 5 hours a week, and they wll give you 2 months to accomplish that.
    You have to remember that you are acting as a consultant for your prospects.  and as a consultant, you will have to be realistic with them.  You will have to tell them that if that is what they really want, then one of those three numbers will have to move.  It will either take more hours a week, more months, or less money.
    Don’t be afraid to do this. You will gain credibility if you are honest and realistic with your prospects.
    2. Closing With Confidence
    With this closing methodology, you will get more prospects to sign up because you are listening to what they want.  Don’t tell your prospects what to expect with Network Marketing.  You may be pitching that they can earn 1,00,000/- a month, when all they want is 10,000/-  to help them put one kid through college or pay off a credit card debt. The most successful people in Network Marketing listen to what their prospects actually want, and then show them how those dreams can be fulfilled.
    Use this closing, and your confidence will improve.  Don’t worry about memorising these exact words, just learn the general concept.  Use this closing, and you will take one more step closer to being a Network Marketing professional!
    3. Use Your Sponsor Or Upline
    I have discovered that this closing method especially works well with the warm market. Some warm market prospects may not look at you with high credibility. This can happen from a variety of life circumstances.
    Your sponsor will benefit if you recruit so they should be willing to help you close prospects. One of the best ways to do so is via a three-way call or face-to-face with you, your sponsor and the prospect. You simply introduce your sponsor and the prospect and let your sponsor do the talking. Allow he/she to close the prospect for you.
    4. Ask Questions That Yes Is The Only Answer
    There is psychology at play in this technique. You want to adapt the prospect to saying yes before you ask them to sign up. Ask them questions that yes is the natural answer…
    • Do you want to retire debt-free?
    • Do you want your children and grandchildren to have it easier than you did?
    • Etc…
    When the prospect gets used to saying yes to a variety of questions, you are upping the odds of having them say yes when you ask them to sign up.

    5. Set the Presentation Up Right

    When you’re setting up the appointment, you always want to make sure your prospect will be able to give you their undivided attention for the time you need it, and be in a position to take the next step with you.

    You have to know about the person before you meet him/her. so that the conversation will get a easy and Positive start-up.
    6. Clear the Vision, 

    Clear the vision of prospect about,
    How much Money
    How Many Hours
    How Many Months 

    you have to set the vision of the prospect and then set the parameters to achieve it.



    Some people think that closing is hard; I believe the closing is the easiest part of the process.
    You can make it even more easier with all the tools and tips and take your network marketing business higher. 
    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

    Tuesday, November 20, 2018

    Biggest Obstacle of Network Marketing - “I’m not successful yet” Mindset



    What appears to be successful for one person, may not be seen as successful by someone else.

    So, you cannot count yourself out as ‘unsuccessful’ just because you haven’t recruited someone yet, or, haven’t made a certain amount of money. 

    There’s more than one side to success!

    Here the steps that can help you overcome the biggest obstacle, 

    so just follow this; you won’t feel stuck, and can recruit more prospects. 

    Step #1 –  Awareness and Confidence 

    Before anything, it’s about having awareness that you are successful because you’re going in the right direction…
    Meaning, you’re going towards your dreams and vision! 

    A lot of times thought what holds many network marketers back, is that if they are not ‘successful enough” (haven’t signed anyone up or haven’t made money), prospects will not want to join. 

    Remember, there is more than one way success can be defined…

    It doesn’t matter if a prospect has more money than you.
    If your prospect is unsatisfied with their current situation, but they're scared to take action, you took action already! 

    Just the fact that you took action, you are more successful.
    So stop beating yourself up by  saying, “I'm not having success yet”. 
    Feeling stuck is only temporary, because you have awareness of two things:

    1- What you need to do 

    2- Where you are going 

    It is through this awareness and vision that will help you break down that false belief of ‘not being successful enough’

    Vision and confidence work together, and that is what people buy from you first.
    Step #2 – Learning with Earning 
    If you're not earning, make sure you're learning.
    One of the common ways of learning is by reading books, attending events, etc. and applying what you learned.
    As long as people are learning, what's gonna happen?
    They're going to earn! 

    Many of you Didn't earn anything your first few months in the business, then, after 20+ people, you got your first sign up? 

    That happened because you learned and got better from your first approach to the next. 

    Each rejection, every ‘no’, tells you two thing:

    -Where you can improve on

    -You are closer to the next ‘yes’ 

    In your business, make sure you are always learning and applying!

    Step #3 – Commitment and Consistency
    Commitment paired with consistency, will bring results. 

    What is meant by commitment?
    Commitment is just showing up. Commitment is showing up for a training, even if the ‘success’ isn’t there. You are calling prospects, following up, even if the check isn’t there yet. Similar to commitment, consistency is about action.  

    It’s the habits you consistently practice. 
    "Consistent action always raises curiosity from people."
    Now, people’s curiosity can mean different things…

    • Some people will be curious but never join or buy from you, or, others may just buy your products. 
    • As well, you will have others who will be curious enough just to see if you ‘fail’. 
    • It sounds like it's a bad thing, but it's the world we live in. 
    • There are some waiting for you to fail… 

    So you know what? 

    You prove them wrong by keep going, by being consistent! because it’s not about them, it’s about the direction you are heading.
    Commitment and consistency will bring forward results.
    As well, 
    "sharing value consistently will attract the right people into your business."

    The Final and next step is you.
    If you have felt stuck, or ‘not successful' enough…
    Apply these three steps to empower your mindset and actions.
    Remember, you are already successful because you are aware and headed in the right direction!
    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

    Saturday, November 17, 2018

    How to become the Best Business Presenter

    In the networking business, sharing the opportunity to other people is a constant directive. It is very important to impart the business information and strategy to the new recruits. A business presentation is necessary for every marketer to manage a large number of recruits. here the tips for successful presentations about network marketing. How to develop the skills of facing and talking before a large crowd. It may not be easy at first. It will lead to more recruits and lasting business relationships.

    1. Know Your Audience
    In giving out business presentations, it is important to be aware of the kind of people you will be facing. Not every pitch may work for all types of people. You need to do a little research about the attendees. Identifying their status level, age group, ethnicities, and other pertinent information that will help you connect with them. It will also give you the basis for a more directed presentation.

    2. Keep In Mind the Mission of the Presentation
    There are many things to talk about when faced with a great audience. As much as you want to keep them entertained, you have to stick to your purpose. Therefore, prepare an outline of your topic. An outline of your topic will help you get through a presentation smoothly and naturally. people spend more time sharing real-life testimonies, facts, and life anecdotes but you must connect your audience to the business.

    3. Talk about the Good and Bad
    Many people are skeptical about the networking business. As a presenter of this type of business, you must show transparency. you have to share your good and bad experiences with the people. You have to talk about your personal life experiences and successes related to the business. Tell the people about the potential benefits and do not exaggerate. This way, people can relate to you and may join the business.

    4. Have Fun
    Having fun is one of the most important things in this business. In order to keep going in the networking business, you have to enjoy what you are doing. Tell the people about the positive aspects of the company. Do not be afraid to laugh in front of the people. Do not be afraid to make mistakes during your presentations. Do not burden yourself too much. Lighten up the presentation with jokes and icebreakers.

    5. Practice Makes Perfect
    Learning to give great presentations takes time. It takes constant practice. Hone your communication skill. Giving more presentations means getting more chances to become better at it. Therefore, take advantage of every opportunity to talk to and meet different kinds of people. Be sure to update your presentations from time to time. Think clearly about your topic. Maintain eye contact. Talk at a reasonable pace. These simple yet effective update and tips will surely make you a better presenter.

    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

    Friday, November 16, 2018

    Action vs. Words


    “Actions speak louder than words”
    It states that actions are more powerful and hurt more.

    action shout more, but mentally words hurt more.
    "I learned not to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do; I learned to suspect that anyone and everyone is capable of ‘living a lie’. I came to believe that other people - even when you think you know them well -- are ultimately unknowable." Just because their words are more then their action."

    You’ve probably seen the picture of the boss and the leader. If not, here’s a visual: the boss is sitting at his desk being pulled by his employees while the leader is at the front helping pull the desk. It’s a great example of action speak louder than words.
    If you have ever worked at a job where there is a lazy boss, then you can relate to this. Often employees see their boss doing nothing and feel unmotivated to do what their boss wants them to do. Why should they work hard for their boss when he or she does nothing all day long? But, when the boss gets their hands dirty and shows the passion they have for making things better, employees are more motivated to work and feel more passionate about what they are doing.
    In General life,
    For example, if someone is consistently telling you their love for you, but if their actions don’t match it becomes difficult to believe they mean what they are saying. 
    "Words reveal who a person wants to be, but actions show who they actually are"

    Would you rather have someone who constantly told you how they felt about you, but never showed it? Or would you rather have someone who always showed you how they felt, rather than telling you

    This is exactly why actions are louder -- because how a person lives and the decisions they make are what make them who they are. Anyone can potentially say anything, but the words don’t mean anything until they are backed up with action.

    A person’s actions in their life are going to determine where they go and what they succeed. If you are constantly saying you are going to do something, but never do it, nothing will happen. The difference is between what you say you’ll do, and what you actually do. And if you are walking the walk, there is no need to state it with words. Your actions can speak for themselves.

    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

    Monday, November 12, 2018

    Do's and Don'ts of Network Marketing

    Learn how to position yourself as a leader and focus on solving problems, rather than just pushing the products and business on anyone and everyone who would listen.
    So what should you do - and what shouldn't you do - when building a network marketing business. 
    1. Think Long Term
    2. Find a Mentor
    3. Build a List
    4. Make a decision that you will succeed no matter what 
    5. Be a True Network Marketing Professional
    6. Have Realistic Expectations
    7. Be Student of your Business
    8. Study Marketing and Lead Generation
    9. Work on Your People Skill
    10. Treat Everyone with Respect
    11. Move Your Business to your Heart
    12. Write a business plan
    13. Discover your Why
    14. Lead by Example all the Time
    15. Show the genuine interest on other People
    16. Spend your time with right People 
    17. Create work Schedule every week 
    18. Set written Goal
    19. Inspire People by your Action 
    20. Make your Business a Top Priority 
    21. Have fun with Business
    22. Learn How to invite Properly
    23. Work on your personal Development 
    24. Get a Top notch business card
    25. Read Everyday
    26. Maximise Your Company's Compensation Plan
    27. Look for the best in other people 
    28. Focus Focus Focus
    29. Work on your Listening Skills
    30. Sponsor at-least Four People in a Month 
    1. Never speak badly about other people or other companies
    2. Have a lottery mentality
    3. Follow anyone blindly
    4. Do the business only when you feel like this
    5. Try to help people who don't want to help themselves 
    6. Expect your new people to know what to do
    7. Treat your business like your hobby
    8. Have a get rich quick mentality
    9. have unrealistic Expectations
    10. Be arrogent
    11. Be Nagative
    12. Boss your Team around
    13. Forget to Follow Up
    14. Forget to Build Depth
    15. Be an Emotion Person
    16. Get Excited about any specific person
    17. Sped all your time on Non-Money producing activities
    18. Give Up too soon
    19. Miss an Event
    20. Talk too Much
    21. Chase People
    22. Stop talking to new people 
    23. Spam your business on Facebook or any Social Media
    24. Try to Bunch of Different systems at once
    25. instability with one company 
     I shared these few Ideas to help you with your mindset and papare you for success.
    What are your thoughts, share in comment box what are your do's and don'ts in Network Marketing Industry
    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century