Monday, November 12, 2018

Do's and Don'ts of Network Marketing

Learn how to position yourself as a leader and focus on solving problems, rather than just pushing the products and business on anyone and everyone who would listen.
So what should you do - and what shouldn't you do - when building a network marketing business. 
  1. Think Long Term
  2. Find a Mentor
  3. Build a List
  4. Make a decision that you will succeed no matter what 
  5. Be a True Network Marketing Professional
  6. Have Realistic Expectations
  7. Be Student of your Business
  8. Study Marketing and Lead Generation
  9. Work on Your People Skill
  10. Treat Everyone with Respect
  11. Move Your Business to your Heart
  12. Write a business plan
  13. Discover your Why
  14. Lead by Example all the Time
  15. Show the genuine interest on other People
  16. Spend your time with right People 
  17. Create work Schedule every week 
  18. Set written Goal
  19. Inspire People by your Action 
  20. Make your Business a Top Priority 
  21. Have fun with Business
  22. Learn How to invite Properly
  23. Work on your personal Development 
  24. Get a Top notch business card
  25. Read Everyday
  26. Maximise Your Company's Compensation Plan
  27. Look for the best in other people 
  28. Focus Focus Focus
  29. Work on your Listening Skills
  30. Sponsor at-least Four People in a Month 
  1. Never speak badly about other people or other companies
  2. Have a lottery mentality
  3. Follow anyone blindly
  4. Do the business only when you feel like this
  5. Try to help people who don't want to help themselves 
  6. Expect your new people to know what to do
  7. Treat your business like your hobby
  8. Have a get rich quick mentality
  9. have unrealistic Expectations
  10. Be arrogent
  11. Be Nagative
  12. Boss your Team around
  13. Forget to Follow Up
  14. Forget to Build Depth
  15. Be an Emotion Person
  16. Get Excited about any specific person
  17. Sped all your time on Non-Money producing activities
  18. Give Up too soon
  19. Miss an Event
  20. Talk too Much
  21. Chase People
  22. Stop talking to new people 
  23. Spam your business on Facebook or any Social Media
  24. Try to Bunch of Different systems at once
  25. instability with one company 
 I shared these few Ideas to help you with your mindset and papare you for success.
What are your thoughts, share in comment box what are your do's and don'ts in Network Marketing Industry
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