Friday, October 12, 2018

I got Fired 👇👇


Being your own boss, calling all the shots, hustling to hit your goals -- for many people, entrepreneurship is the ultimate career goal.
But as awesome as running your own business sounds, it’s also incredibly difficult.

There is a point in most careers when you’ve just had enough. You’ve stapled the same set of papers, given the same speech, and scheduled the same excursion for your clients. So.... I got fired..👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

I fired myself from the job..

I fired myself from the job which was mundane and where there was no learning, only routine work.

I fired myself from a job which had no goal for my future, only targets to be met everyday.

I fired myself from the job which had time for politics, and where employee engagement was minimal.

I fired myself from a job, where title decided what to speak to who, how much and when and where there was no transparency. 

I fired myself from a job, which changed colours when  I looked for a good appraisal after working day in and day out.

I fired myself from a job where the boss will not mind his business and constantly poke his nose in every action of mine.

I fired myself from a job where I forgot to look at the beauty of things and all I could see was PowerPoint, Excel worksheets and Reports.

And here I am, working seamlessly, tirelessly towards a bigger goal of self-realisation and achieving what I am worth of, not what others think. 

Life is short, make sure you don't become a rat in the rat race, try being a cat sometimes, or better yet being yourself. Don't rush into getting a job, work towards getting a career.

Life Cycle of A Job....

become an Entrepreneur and Live the life you deserve, you are not in this world to live on Weekends only.

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