Monday, October 22, 2018

Perfection is a Journey rather than a Destination


“Excellence/Perfection is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends.”

Some say perfection is an illusion, while others wear themselves out trying to achieve it.
I believe perfection is a natural quest that our soul seeks, but one that the human brain misunderstands.
Perfection is a quest for MORE, yet we treat it as a destination, as if somehow we are supposed to arrive at “perfect.”
A quest is a journey we choose to take, and the quest for perfection is simply the process of becoming more, every day, every week, every year.
Although that seems easy on the surface, our linear mind struggles to embrace its simplicity. In this struggle, we see ourselves as imperfect rather than accepting the process that the quest for perfection offers.
Perfection isn’t about everything going the way you want it, but rather being comfortable with the way things are, while you work on making them better.
Perfection isn’t about never making a mistake, but rather using mistakes to learn how to BE MORE.
Our soul is hard-wired for more. It seeks perfection as a form of evolution. It seeks to become more and uses both challenges and opportunity as its guide.
So rather than obsessing about “being perfect” or “experiencing perfection,” shift your focus to the process of becoming more.
In every challenge, opportunity, lesson, and course correction simply look at how you are becoming more.
Look at the perfection you are becoming. You are perfect just the way you are, until you decide you want more.
Life is perfect just the way it is, until you decide you want more. And that, too, is perfect.
Perfection is a quest, a journey, and even a destination. Perfection defines the work of the term excellence. Excellence is the path to perfection. The desire to excel is the desire to be perfect.
Perfection can operate in many areas. For example, a mother may wish to be a perfect mother. She may want to give a perfect upbringing to her children. To achieve this she is willing to sacrifise all her efforts and energies to achieve this. It is her single minded devotion to achieve the goal of being a perfect mother. The seeking of perfection happens in many fields. Some may attempt perfection in leading a value based life. Others may try to achieve it in their work. While for others, through love and forgiveness, perfection in relationships is sought.
Perfection is not a natural state for human beings. Because humanity is ridden with many imperfections in their characters, actions, and lives. However, perfection exists in a totally natural state in the kingdom of God. The Almighty Creator, whatever his name, rules the world with total perfection. His actions are based on perfect justice. No human can complain of injustice. Karma is recorded perfectly and meted out perfectly. Man bows to this eternal superiority of his Creator.
Every man is ridden with imperfections. No man is physically, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually perfect. These imperfections cause man to be in a constant state of movement to seek that perfection. Each man tries to rise higher to that term called perfection. The more the perfection, the more the superiority. But it must be noted that the march to perfection must not carry with it the baggage of ego and pride. Many a mighty men who wore the hallmarks of perfection and rode their perfections to worldly success have fallen like a thud from grace due to the heavy burdens of their pride and ego. Aim for perfection, but when you become close to it, do not let it be destroyed again with your ego. Your march to perfection must be attempted. It is a noble, holy, pure, and sacred journey. A journey leading you towards salvation.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I am The Law-of-Attraction


Law of Attraction is a simple and unchanging universal principle. 

The Law of Attraction works the same way.
Things within our universe have a tendency to migrate toward other like things. We’re using the word “things” here because this law encompasses thoughts, feelings, people, objects and everything else in our universe.
It’s a universal principle, so it applies to all the things.
gravity prevents us and everything else on Earth from floating away, but the exact “why” is a complex matter.
The Law of Attraction is very similar. As with all the laws of our universe, we understand that these laws do work, even though we don’t necessarily understand how to define them. 

It’s Not Magic, It’s Science

It’s difficult to imagine that thoughts and feelings can have an effect on the world around us. Fortunately, advances in technology and science allow us to visibly and immediately experience the effects of our thoughts. Just like watching an apple fall through the air, there are experiments that demonstrate the immediate effects of thoughts and feelings.
Believe it or not, there are volumes of scientific evidence to prove that our thoughts alone have immediate and tangible effects on ourselves and the environment around us. 

Law Of Attraction Examples 

#Thinking You’re Younger Physically Makes You Younger
In 1979, a study was conducted on 70-80 year old men to see the difference in remembering youth fondly and actually reliving youth. One group talked and reminisced about their younger days while the other group pretended to be young, surrounding themselves with TV shows, music and activities of their youth.
At the end of the experiment, those who imagined they were physically younger showed signs of de-aging. Blood pressure was lowered, arthritis was diminished and even eyesight and hearing in this control group improved. By simply imagining themselves younger, some physical aging was actually reversed. Their thoughts and imagination made this happen.
How To Use The Law Of Attraction ?

#Relax your mind.
Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. Doing this will increase brain power and have your mind at that relaxed state.

#Be sure about what you want and when you do decide please don't doubt yourself.
Remember that you're sending a request to the Universe which is created by thoughts and therefore responds to thoughts. Know exactly what it is that you want. If you're not clear/sure, the Universe will get an unclear frequency and will send you unwanted results.
#Ask the Universe for it.
Make your request. Send a picture of what you want to the Universe. The Universe will answer. See this thing as already yours. See 
How to Visualize.

#Write your wish down.
Start with "I am so happy and grateful now that..." and finish the sentence (or paragraph) telling the Universe what it is that you want. Write it in the present tense as if you have it right now. Avoid negation terms (see Warnings for more on this). Every day until your wish comes true, close your eyes and imagine your desire as if it's happening right now and see your imagination turning more clearer.

#Feel it.
Feel the way you will now after receiving your wish. You must act, speak, and think as if you are receiving it now. This is actually the most important, powerful step in using the Law of Attraction because this is where it starts working, and sometimes if you do this you don't feel like you need it anymore because you feel like you already have it! 

#Show gratitude and Trust the Universe. Be thankful for what you already have and be thankful for all the things the Universe has given you. Don't get upset if these things don't happen immediately. Don't stress the "how" of things. Let the Universe do it for you.

#Positive Thought Breeds Positive Outcome
"When you focus on manifesting a positive destiny, you’re naturally aligning your intentions and your behaviours with positive. This is going to affect your health, your relationships, and your successes in a positive way," 

#Negative Thought Breeds Negative OutcomeWherever your mind concentrates its energy is the reality it breeds. Just as this rule applies to positive thought and outcome, it applies to negative. Do not allow negative thoughts to overwhelm your desires when it comes to what you do not want.

by following these all the steps you will automatically find the way to achieve it, work with the believe it will be your. 

Start intentionally thinking and feeling. what it is you want to attract into your life — such as money, love and relationships, health and spirituality — to make the Law of Attraction work for you.

FAQ- The Law of Attraction

Can I really make anything happen with the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is just one of the laws that govern our universe. There are others, like the law of gravity, for example. You can’t defy the other laws of the universe, so don’t expect to. In that way, no, you can’t make just anything happen.

I tried to manifest being rich, but I ended up losing money. What happened?

It’s hard to say what happened, but more than likely, you have fears that you aren’t addressing with compassion. Simply desiring riches doesn’t manifest money into your life. Ensure your fears and doubts aren’t speaking louder than your desires.
Does the Law of Attraction mean that the bad things that happen to me are my fault?

You are more likely to attract negative situations if fear, doubt, and insecurity lead you to believe bad things are bound to happen. This doesn’t mean that bad things happen because of you. It simply means negative things happen and your negative feelings acted like a compass or magnet.

Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

Friday, October 12, 2018

I got Fired 👇👇


Being your own boss, calling all the shots, hustling to hit your goals -- for many people, entrepreneurship is the ultimate career goal.
But as awesome as running your own business sounds, it’s also incredibly difficult.

There is a point in most careers when you’ve just had enough. You’ve stapled the same set of papers, given the same speech, and scheduled the same excursion for your clients. So.... I got fired..👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

I fired myself from the job..

I fired myself from the job which was mundane and where there was no learning, only routine work.

I fired myself from a job which had no goal for my future, only targets to be met everyday.

I fired myself from the job which had time for politics, and where employee engagement was minimal.

I fired myself from a job, where title decided what to speak to who, how much and when and where there was no transparency. 

I fired myself from a job, which changed colours when  I looked for a good appraisal after working day in and day out.

I fired myself from a job where the boss will not mind his business and constantly poke his nose in every action of mine.

I fired myself from a job where I forgot to look at the beauty of things and all I could see was PowerPoint, Excel worksheets and Reports.

And here I am, working seamlessly, tirelessly towards a bigger goal of self-realisation and achieving what I am worth of, not what others think. 

Life is short, make sure you don't become a rat in the rat race, try being a cat sometimes, or better yet being yourself. Don't rush into getting a job, work towards getting a career.

Life Cycle of A Job....

become an Entrepreneur and Live the life you deserve, you are not in this world to live on Weekends only.

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Life Cycle of A Job 👇👇


There is a point when you have to admit that you are no longer good for the organisation that you work with. Not because you are not a good employee but there is just a natural life cycle that happens with everything.

and That Life Cycle is 👇👇

  • Looking for a new position-Crafting resumes, doing a self-evaluation of your own skill sets, feeling a sense of urgency and maybe a little discomfort.
  • Get asked to interview-Research organisation, do interview prep, wear a nice suit
  • Interview-Go through what feels like the glove. Feel like you did pretty well.
  • Rejected-Ohh No! Have to go through the first 3 steps until hired.
  • Hired-New kid on the block, learn the ropes, and figure things out
  • Been there for awhile-feeling pretty confident about your role in the organisation and your ability to contribute.
  • Have seniority-you are one of the big wigs. Everyone knows who you are.
  • Beginning to Feel Like You’ve Stayed Too Long-When you have this feeling you probably already have stayed too long.
People who get fired from their jobs usually were good employees when they first started. But, over time complacency may have started to take root. You may be arriving a little later everyday, not as focused on the details of your work like you used to be.
The thing that everyone has to remember….:

But Everyone can be replaced,

No one is indispensable in an organization and there is almost always someone hungrier than you who will rock your position. That is why it’s healthy to change positions not only for your own personal growth but for the health of an organization.
If I had stayed at my job as painful as it is to admit, I would have begun to experience changes to my position that would have indicated that the “end is near.”

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Monday, October 1, 2018

Why does 98% People Fail in Network Marketing (MLM)

98% people-fail-in-network-marketing
98% people-fail-in-network-marketing
Are you struggling to make it big in a networking marketing/multi level
Marketing business?
I personally have seen at least 70% of the starters quit the company (not being active) within the first 3 months itself though they have invested and started with a lot of dreams.
               “Giving Up Is the Only Sure Way to Fail.”

Fitness and network marketing are similar in that it takes about three months of consistent hardcore daily action, and those 90 days you can transform your life. In network marketing, you can put in a 90 day spurt of activity and work harder than you ever have in your life and it will make a huge difference months later.
In Fitness, You Have To Continue…
  •  Working Out
  •  Going to the Gym
  •  Eating Right
  •  Cardio

In Network Marketing, you have to Continue…
  •  Making the Calls
  •  Doing Presentation
  •  Exposing your Products and Services
  •  Getting REJECTED Over and Over Again…

You must have:
  • LONG-TERM Thinking
  • Entrepreneur Thinking
  • Millionaire Thinking
So, why do most people fail in network marketing?
They fail because they have an employee mindset and not a millionaire mindset. They fail because they think that in the beginning their time put in is going to equal their rewards coming out.

#False Expectations
If you start someone off with false, unrealistic expectations, they will feel like a failure if they don’t achieve the claims and expectations that they have been given.
#Don’t Believe
It can be done Success in your business and in yourself is key to building a successful business in network marketing.
If you don’t have a strong belief in the industry or your company’s products, it’s very unlikely that you will be able to build a team or make any sales.
Your confidence and belief in yourself must be stronger than the opposing beliefs of others. You must have confidence in yourself, even if the people around you do not.
#Lack of Ambition & Dedication
You’ll be required to put in more work in the very beginning stages of your business before you will start seeing the fruit and rewards of your consistent action.
"If you want to earn 6-figures in your business, you’ll need to be willing to put in Whatever It Takes to reach that financial goal."
#Lack of Proper Training
If your company doesn’t have the proper training that you need, then seek out network marketing professionals that you can learn from.
#Feel hurt from rejection
Rejection is like the other side of the coin when it comes to Network Marketing. There’s no doubt in my mind that every single person in Network Marketing has experienced rejection at least once.
Everyone has been rejected and the more rejections you receive in this business, the stronger you get.  Review your prospecting and inviting techniques, may be they need improvement.

#Don’t Learn from their mistakes
Always learn from your mistakes or even better, learn from other people’s mistakes.  Always attend to your companies training and seminars, listen to other people’s testimonies.  Listen to their mistakes and make sure you don’t do them.

#Have Too many Excuses
One of the main reasons why people fail is because they have too many excuses!  you have probably heard 10 different excuses that people tell themselves for not doing something they should have done a long time ago.
“I don’t have the money.”
“I don’t have the time. “
“I already know what that is.”
“I know everything there is to know about network marketing.”
“Just send it to my email and I’ll read it when I get home”
“It’s too late, I’ll just do it tomorrow.”
“Today is a holiday, I shouldn’t be working on a holiday.”
#Set Unrealistic Goals
There’s is nothing wrong with dreaming, but if you wish to achieve your goals, make sure you set realistic ones.  I don’t mean to set them low that there is a 100% chance you will reach them with very little effort.  I mean set them high enough that they are beyond your comfort zone and yet they are still within reach.
Do not Adapt to New Systems People who fail to adapt to new systems in Network Marketing will most likely fail.  My main example is the use of the internet. 

To be Continue...!!

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