Monday, July 30, 2018

Effects of Automation on Jobs

The June jobs report, boasting an unemployment rate of 6.1 percent, shows positive signs of economic growth. But the snapshot is not as sunny for young adults. Those between the ages of 18 to 34 have an unemployment rate of 9 percent (higher if you count those who have given up looking).


Some experts point to the quickly evolving nature of jobs due to Effects of Automation as evidence robots will replace human workers.
In large parts of Africa, it is likely that technology could fundamentally disrupt this pattern. Research based on World Bank data has predicted that the proportion of 
"jobs threatened in India by automation is 69 per cent, in China it is 77 per cent and in Ethiopia, the percentage of jobs threatened by automation is 85 per cent"

the fact that as automation adoption increases, 70 per cent of the workload can be handled by machines, without the need for humans to intervene.

It is bound to accelerate faster in the next year as companies look to enhance performance and garner insights from run-of-the-mill tasks.
Overseas clients of the software services industry are asking their Indian offshore vendors to invest on automation tools. 
In some cases, clients are willing to fund as they seek a 5-10 per cent cost reduction on a yearly basis.
Forrester says Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation will take over low-value repetitive tasks and rote work.
Analysts are also taking their cues from the World Bank, which said last year that automation threatens 69 per cent of the jobs in India. All this is bound to impact hiring going forward.
According to a survey by Experis IT ManpowerGroup India, the collective number of layoffs that the IT giants are contemplating is way higher than what the Indian IT industry has ever witnessed, and this trend is likely to continue for the next 6-12 months.
The $155-billion IT sector employs around 3.9 million people in the country, and McKinsey estimates that half of the existing workforce will be irrelevant as they are not skilled to stay tuned to the changing market needs.
Some industry watchers like Nasscom Chairman Raman Roy belief that despite rising automation, hiring will not come to a standstill. “The skillsets that the industry requires will change and it will intensify in the coming years,”.
Automation is com-modifying older technologies, which formed the backbone of the Indian IT sector. Gartner expects costs of commodity services to decline by 15-25 per cent annually, which would negatively impact margins of outsourcing firms, which on an average get 60 per cent of their revenues from legacy business.
In what could pose serious challenges to Indian policymakers in the coming years, the growing use of technology in economic activities, threatens to kill thousands of jobs. What is more, India’s information technology (IT) sector, which has been providing jobs to millions, is projected to face huge job cuts as companies deploy robots to do low-skilled work.
Not only in the IT industries, but also in the manufacturing, food sector and now banking; robots are there to stay. In August, 2016 HDFC announced that it would soon have a robot to begin with, in one of its branch. It will work as security as well as receptionist. According to a report by Citi Bank, “Around 30% of all jobs inside banks would be terminated due to increased automation in various banking services.”

Artificial intelligence is taking over fast and with effect that is hard to ignore. The day when schools and teachers will be replaced by a machine is not far. There are digital nannies on the go. There will be digital drivers and plumbers soon too.
before also I explained the facts over Unemployment 👇

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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Twenty Five (25) Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

Ever wonder why being succeed can sometimes seems such a struggle? 

So the fact-finding says: If you want to be highly successful, you need to be highly disciplined. All successful People typically credit simple daily routines which have been proven over time to give them an edge. 


Check Out Here; I am sharing 25 Habits of Successful People which help them get ahead in business and life.

#1. Read about your Industry and Beyond.
Spend an hour, usually after dinner, reading about their industry, related industries, current events and pop culture. start a day with daily curation emails. they bookmark and tag posts that they like and might refer to later. share all related and good posts, along with a brief summary with my team or friends. to feel Positive If nothing else, this process helps me remember the salient parts of the post and gives time to explore how they fit into larger view of things. New information gets presented to us, We catalogue and file it and then it goes on to inform our worldview in some small way. There's tremendous power and opportunity in understanding how seemingly unrelated trends and events will go on to affect the work you're doing.
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” 

#2. Work out for a strong body, which holds up a strong mind.

Successful entrepreneurship requires more than just mental fitness, it requires physical fitness as well. 
A daily workout has grown and evolved in step with their business. Clearing your mind and challenging yourself physically with a tough workout every day prepares you for the daily challenges of business. 
"A strong body holds up a strong mind."
#3 Remove fear.
It is when working with others, when we seem to reach a barrier to getting something done, the barrier is really about their fear of failure, fear of being blamed, fear of accountability, etc.
This fear is rooted in their prior experiences with another boss, another colleague, or even a family member. 
"Courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace."

What i got the answer of getting rid of fear; they said tell to yourself that 'I'm in this with you, and if this way me wrong I'll accept as much or more responsibility for that than anybody,' we can get beyond that fear and become extremely productive.

#4 Unplug without a device.

Time away from the digital world is critical for health, productivity and general wellness. Late night walks along the ocean without phone provides a mild way to get exercise, digest the day, plan the next day and enjoy nature.
"Peace comes form within, Do not seek it without"

#5 Never give up.

It is a kind of favourite saying of everyone 'Never give up!' It sounds minor, but there are so many times that if you accepted 'No,' you would not have moved along the pendulum. It's a delicate dance of courage and polite aggression. Sometimes you just have to hit at it from a different angle. 
"There is no substitute for hard work, Never Give-Up"

#6. Surround yourself with positive people.

Social media has become a cesspool for the haters and trolls. Don't let negative people hold you back. Understand that negativity generally comes from unhappy people and those who envy you. 
Happy successful people don't tear others down. Surround yourself with ambitious, positive people. 
"It's too easy to focus on the negative and there's just no upside to that."

#7. Listen and learn.

Listen to your mentor, teammates and customers.  You will always learn something from listening. it could facilitate relationships just by listening, and really let people feel that you care. It helps ease any tensions, even if it doesn't immediately solve a problem, it could relieve any negative feelings just by letting people express themselves whether it be an unhappy customer, a stressed employee or colleague.
"Listening is a master skill for Personal and Professional greatness."

#8. Put in extra effort to stay organized.

Making lists and setting daily goals helps us stay focused each day. There are so many fires to put out each day when you own your own business and working to stay organised and task oriented helps us stay on track and meet our goals. 
"We also have planning meetings to map out our vision and goals for the next six and 12 months." 
This helps us focus on the big picture of growing a new business and measure our success and failures over the year.

#9. Keep some balance in your life.

If you let your work consume you, it will. Pushing away from the laptop and cell phone for a break each day is critical. It's not always easy when you're chasing a deadline. Small distractions, however, can have an incredibly refreshing effect.
Inject a little daily balance into your life--dinner with the family, an hour of exercise, going to see my child participate in an extracurricular activities or 30 minutes with a book or newspaper.
#10. Write down your gratitude.
First thing when wake up, write down three things you have to be grateful for, three things that would make that day great, and one daily affirmation. Right before go to sleep, write down three amazing things that happened that day and answer the question: 'How could you have made today better?' The daily practice of writing down what I have to be grateful for, and reflecting upon who I want to become, helps me rewire my brain and improve my happiness.

#11. Adapt to what the present holds.

Knowing that even in moments when it all looks and feels like chaos, you have to move forward, look for solutions, that may open new doors with endless possibilities. It reminds to be flexible and adapt to what the present holds."

#12. Pick three things to do each day.

"Running a business can be quite overwhelming, with the work truly never ending. When you have a lot to do, my philosophy is to just pick 3 things to do each day. Do those three things first in the morning, and then wherever the rest of your day takes you, you know at least you're progressing and have accomplished what you needed to."

#13. Start the day with a small, meaningful win.

Start almost every day by talking to one of our customers . try to carry your passion through the rest of your day. 
"When the day starts with a small win, the momentum continues."

#13. Use Sundays to plan out your week.

"Between today's hyperactive communication landscape and the nonstop news cycle, it can be hard to stay focused, which is why they plan their week out before it starts. Every Sunday you have to spend time on Ever-note walking through a regimented process of what you want to accomplish in the coming week, making sure it aligns with monthly, quarterly, and annual goals. Sure, fire drills come up and to-do lists change, but this approach to planning keeps you focused across different functions.

#14. Make a list of goals for improvement.

Keep a running list of goals for improvement in the back of daily notebook. It makes more conscious of where you can do better. Before major meetings and presentations, run through the list to make sure you've internalised relevant points, and afterwards you'll run through any feedback with my teammates or, if available, watch a recording of the presentation to add new goals to the list.

#15. Walk while talking on the phone.

Walking around the neighbourhood while you are on even the most important phone calls is key to energised and being a creative problem solver in the moment. There's some physiological science behind it (hence walking desks), but walking outside and talking is key to keep sane during the day.
#16. Accept that one amazing thing will happen every day.
When you wake up in the morning, you remind yourself that no matter how impossible things seem, there's going to be at least one really awesome and unexpected thing that's going to happen that day. This really helps you to get going, and 99 percent of the time, it turns out to be true."

#17. Start your day with meditation.

first thing after waking up each morning you have to go for meditation. It's made a huge difference to you and to the people around you. Focusing on your breathing, just for 10 to 15 minutes in the morning gets you into a mindset where you're better able to step back from the thoughts and emotions that might cloud your thinking. 
it is better to focus on what's really important and prioritise your time accordingly, both professionally and personally."

#18. Walk in the park.

To achieve better mental clarity, try to go for a 30-minute walk in the park near your house every day. you find that taking that period to be outside by yourself allows you to quiet your mind, organise your thoughts and find ways to approach different situations more objectively. you will be able to visualise the bigger picture associated with the big decisions you need to make professionally and personally, and ultimately, you will better able to determine the correct course of action."
#19. Think like a customer.
Try to approach your daily brainstorming sessions from the perspectives of our customers. encourage your team to join you in coming to these meetings with a list of recent customer reviews and feedback to help us keep our customers top of mind as we develop new collections and work to constantly improve the product quality experience. This helps your entire team stay laser-focused and removes their egos from the mix."

#20. Invert the traditional working hierarchy.

Every day as you interact with the team that reports to you, you have to actively and continually invert the traditional organisational structure. Instead of asking what they can do for me ask what you can do for them. As CEO, you view your role as making your general managers successful, not the other way around. try to remove obstacles, reduce friction, give them better tools and impart guidance. Anything that frees them up to deliver bigger and better results, which in turn, helps create a better company. 
"Personally; I have for a long time believed that the ego is the number one destroyer of companies, and I have seen many examples of this in action."
So, long ago, decide to check ego in at the proverbial front door and instead approach your leadership role as one of making divisional leaders as successful as possible. And that has seemed to have made a material difference."

#21. Let music influence your mood.

listen to music every day. Not all day, just two songs minimum--one familiar and one random. One of the first things you have to do when you get out of bed in the morning is play one song you know will have a positive effect on you. This get you going and puts you in the right mindset for the day.
In the Morning drive to work blare music and make sure to sing along with. Great way to gear up for the day or wind down after a particularly long one. 
"Only downside is that it gets a bit awkward at a red light when you catch the next car staring at you 😄😄"
"Music has noticeable and powerful effects on brain." 
It changes mood, motivates you, and boosts your concentration."

#22. Give yourself time to relax. 

Take an hour at the end of every day to decompress and unwind. Not only will you get to relieve the day's stress, but you'll give yourself the chance to really absorb everything you learned during the day and evaluate your next steps. Entrepreneurs - myself included - tend to be workaholics, but it's important to take a break from the grind and let yourself breathe. 
"Your business can only be in good shape if you are, too."

#23. Tell the future you what to do.

Increase productivity by allowing yourself to focus on the task at hand. An effective way to do this is by splitting your time into two categories: 1) telling yourself what to do
2) doing what you tell yourself to do. 
use your calendar, email, and a to-do list on the wall to tell future you what to work on. Before the end of every day, you make sure it's updated so that when you get to your office in the morning you surly know exactly what you need to do.

#24. Get inspired by reading something inspiring.

It's easy to sometimes get trapped in monotonous work or life patterns which can affect your mood and overall performance. When that happens, read something uplifting. If you dragging or feeling uninspired, you have to try to reset my attitude by reading a book that you find inspiring to give me a boost or just break the cycle of scheduled sameness."

#25. Move your body.

Literally move your body, whether it's taking time to work out or a quick walk around the block after lunch. I'm more bookish than athletic, to manage your business along with yourself is even a little bit of exercise gives me extra energy and a more positive outlook. Plus, there's something about a simple walk that gives your brain time to sort through and resolve problems.
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Monday, July 23, 2018

Invest in Yourself It pays the best Interest

“If you want to invest in something with minimum risk and a 
guaranteed  big return, invest in yourself”  

Invest in yourself is one of the best returns on investments you can have.
I know that if you’re reading this, it’s because you are someone who cares.
If you want to help others, first you need to help yourself.


"Income Seldom Exceeds Personal Development"
'Jim Rohn'
Why is invest in yourself is so powerful and important?
Because it allows you to become the best version of yourself — spiritually,
mentally and financially. 
If you invest in yourself, great opportunities come to
you and people are more likely to invest in you. It helps you to think and focus
on what really matters to you which improve the quality of your life.
And the best thing? It doesn’t require much
Here I am sharing Six (6) amazing ways to invest in yourself that can
become your best investments.
1. Start Reading (It will be fun)
According to a research, reading for just six minutes can reduce stress levels
by 75%.
Reading is an awesome way to build your knowledge and expertise in
your area. 

“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, 
all you need is a book.” 
Millionaires and successful businessmen always recommend reading books 
Because books give you the power to explore new things and believe in 

Read books, Kindle, articles, white papers, or listen audio books — any format
you like. 

2. Start Writing (It’s an exploration)
Do you write emails, text messages, reports, applications, or codes?
If your answer is, ‘YES’, 
then you’re a writer.
Try to keep a journal and write 10–15 minutes daily. Writing is a therapy which
will help you to remove stress from your mind.
Let flow your emotions (happy, anger, stress, fear, etc) on a paper. It will help
you to get away from the noise or in other words disturbance
Writing impacts
your daily life and gives you a clear idea of what you want. It will enhance your
creativity, communication skills, and helps you to become a better thinker.

“There’s no more urgent reason to write. you’ll not only improve
your communication, you’ll learn to think more clearly as well.
The person who most benefits from your writing might be you.”

Write something today — a short story, poetry, or anything — and you’ll get
wonderful returns.

3. Start Attending Seminars/Conferences
Attending Live events, seminars, or conferences provide learning, networking,
and career opportunities. It will also give you an opportunity to meet
influences (or someone you admire).
Just imagine yourself being in a room of like-minded people and having fun.
Challenge yourself, get out of your desk and attend a conference.

4. Develop a New Skill (and become creative)

Remember when was the last time you learned something new?

Learning is a lifetime process. There’s always room for new skills. 
Learn a new language,
learn driving, take an advanced degree, take certifications, learn a
new musical instrument, try cooking and more — all are valuable investments.

Learning new skills will help you to become a creative person.

Are you ready to take action and start learning new skill this week?

5. To-do List

Do you have a to-do list?

If you don’t have, make it today. Just sit back and write a list of things you
want to do in your life (no matter how small or big these things are).

But REMEMBER do not make it a simple wish list, instead live each of your
Now analyze your list and divide it into 3 categories:

  • Things you can do right now. 
  • Things which need time. 
  • Things which need additional skills.

Make sure you read this list daily just before sleeping and after waking up.
It will give you a clear idea and a strong direction of how you use your time.

6. Be Happy and Grateful

Always be happy, be positive, and be grateful. Happiness is a choice. Focus
on the positive aspects of life and look at all the reasons to be grateful.

Take five to ten minutes each day and write three to five things (or persons)
you’re thankful for. Train your mind to look for the positive in any situation.

be a performer like all audience compel to say

Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn; There is no substitute for
hard work

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to Keep it Real While Building Your Network


"Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together."
Conceptually, we all know that a network is important for personal and business growth; and if you aren’t networking yet, you should start it ASAP. 

The question is "How"?
"I know what I know, but I’m very good at knowing what I don’t know. "
The key is to figure out who are the people that know what I don’t know… and acquire their knowledge or find a way to work with them.”
In other words, it’s crucial to surround yourself with individuals that have diversified interests and skill-sets that can bring value to you and your business. That’s where networking comes into play.
Build your network as soon as possible but No contacts, No network, No community -- ultimately results in no funding and nothing to build upon.

don’t make the mistake of wasting time and assuming that networking is just about making small-talk while you grab a quick bite to eat.

#Building quality by combining business and pleasure. best connections are based on authentic and meaningful interactions. Take the time to learn about their passions, their life goals and figure out what it is that really lights a fire in their eyes.

That’s how you’ll discover if there’s a genuine connection to build on. What’s true for your personal relationships also holds true for your business networking contacts.

#Be human; Try to take a personal interest on your contacts. 

Treat people like people and how you would want to be treated, regardless of the situation. If you remember that they’re relationships and not transactions, you’ll get what you need to succeed. 

As you get more and more comfortable with networking, your confidence will build and you’ll have a clearer understanding of how you bring value to a particular situation. It’s a steep learning curve at first, but this investment is well worth your time.

Finally, make sure to leave your ego out of any business relationship. 
"Networking is not about ego; it’s about getting things done"

Be yourself, keep it real and get yourself out there. 

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    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

10 Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets to Staying Focused

"Key to dealing with stress is simple: just stay cool and stay focused" 

but how their are many more distractions surround of us. 

Do you know that Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. here is some Entrepreneurs Experience about staying focus, 


#1 Don’t let your inbox take over your to-do list.
Name: Tim Chen

Strategy: Each Monday I prioritize what I want to accomplish that week, and then I think about what I've done at the end of the week and share it in an email to my employees called "Reflections." It's a great way to make space in your head, otherwise your inbox and email becomes your to-do list, which is ridiculous because you didn't create that to do list. [It was sent to you by other people.]

#2 Create time blocks.
Name: Daniella Yacobovsky 


I am pretty OCD about creating to-do lists, and I am constantly prioritizing what I put at the top of the list. I also think it's important to break your workload down into digestible nuggets. I break things down into things that feel doable within a span of one to two hours. That helps me methodically sort through everything that's on my plate.

#3 Take it one step at a time.
Name: Oliver Kharraz


I had the benefit of studying at a Jesuit monastery. We studied complicated texts and immersed ourselves, pushing our attention spans to the very limit. It's like meditation in that you learned to direct your thoughts. It's an active skill, like working out.

#4 Get outside.
Name: Merrill Stubbs


Take breaks. I really step away from something after I've been working on it, take a short walk, talk to someone who has nothing do with what I've been focusing on and stay hydrated. I usually just walk around our office in Manhattan.

#5 Compartmentalize.
Name: Jennie Ripps

Owl's Brew 

I try to compartmentalize my days. For instance, I'll spend an hour before the workday sending out emails, and I won't look at incoming emails until everything is completely outbound. I find that I focus more when I do only one thing and not a million things; it cuts down on the noise.

#6 Take steps toward the big goal.
Name: Jen Rubio


Strategy: My best advice is to keep your eye on the prize. I think if you always keep in mind the bigger thing you are working towards, it's a good gauge to make sure that everything you're doing is a step towards that goal. An inch toward the bigger goal can actually be a massive step forward. Whether your bigger goal is to IPO your company or you're really focused on building a team, make sure everything you're doing every day is in some way a step towards that. When those opportunities come up, take a step back and ask yourself if it is actually contributing to the brand you're building.

#7  Meet your goals head on.
Name: Julia Hartz


 Embracing challenges and learning from failures. When we set out to build Eventbrite, we had to face many challenges and come up with creative solutions to get past them. Each time we learned new ways to cope, we became a stronger and more cohesive team. However, staying focused is an ongoing challenge: The bigger you get, the more opportunities you have to take your eye off the prize.

#8  Put your phone away.
Name: Dave Rusenko


 I have a personal policy that any time I'm with someone -- at a meeting, dinner, or over drink -- that I will never check my phone or watch, and make sure to keep 100 percent focus on the person. This carries into our meetings. We have saying at the office during meetings, "laptops down." Unless you're the presenter, the rule is everyone needs to shut their laptop in the meeting. It allows the person to be physically and mentally present.

#9 Tackle big things first thing.
Name: Angie Hicks

Angie's List 

: It's about prioritizing things during the day. I tend to want to get things off my plate first thing in the morning that are just must dos. I tackle them first and go from there. Inevitable, your day gets away from you, so if it's big thing it gets the first spot in the morning.

#10 Ask yourself the question of nine.
Name: Whitney Wolfe 

Company: Bumble

 I try to ask myself the question of nine. Will this matter in nine minutes, nine hours, nine days, nine weeks, nine months or nine years? If it will truly matter for all of those, pay attention to it. If it isn't going to matter in nine minutes, nine hours or nine days from now, you need to not pay attention to it.
This concept of nine has kept me on track from losing focus on the things that truly matter. That way you can respond when you need to, but you don't spend your time reacting to things that are not going to have any importance in a short period of time from now.
so be Focused to achieve your goal. also drop icomment the way you use to focus 👇

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    Let's be with us to convert your Dream with Focus 

    Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century