Friday, December 28, 2018

Brush Up on the Realities of Network Marketing


Network marketing, or multi-level marketing, is one of the fastest-growing business models of the past few decades.
The department of industrial policy and promotion is pushing for implementation of guidelines for direct selling industry, which is slated to touch Rs 645 billion by 2025, according to a report by FICCI and KPMG.

A significant number of network marketers have negative experiences with the industry. That is why 75% of all people who have ever been a direct selling representative are no longer in the industry. This is because we never go into the challenges and problems in the network marketing model.

We all work for ourselves.  Multi-level marketing just makes that clear. Yet one of the things that make the sector most attractive, the low/No barrier to entry, also creates some its greatest dangers.
Many people get into it without the necessary skills to run a successful business and never try to learn that how to run a successful business.

Here I am sharing the Seven (7) lessons that we have to learn for building a good Network Marketing Business Model,

Every business is a relationship-based business
Look, you have to understand the value of a relationship first to run any business successfully, you cannot sell an product with a superior relationship, but you need at least a functional relationship to sell your product. That is particularly apparent in multi-level marketing, an industry built around person to person sales.

Think analytically about your network
This is up-to you that what kind of network you want to build, may it will be full of potential or you are just selling the products, Think first and plan an analytic about your business than approach with an opportunity mindset.

What do you think, from where you can find that potential people? Remember an
untouched market is highly dense market. Your word of mouth can initialize the value of your product and you can use 100% potential of that market.   

Create a community around your productGo for a community around your product. Multi-level marketing companies rely almost exclusively on their communities for sales, support, follow-up, and recruiting. Remember if you repeatedly visiting to a user forum to discuss the good or bad experiences about the product than you can see that your customer will support to their own customer via your product.

Leverage the unleveraged
The common culture and interests create a foundation to build strong relationships more quickly. You can see in network marketing 60% female are working and they are earning more handsome than traditional sales peoples. so the People can be very effective salespeople when selling to their own community, most of them female are house wives, completed only a partial college education, technical or trade school or have only a high school education.


Build a relationship first
One of the delicate aspects of network marketing is that people leverage their personal relationships to sell a product. Although that leverage makes some people queasy, the success of the network marketing model shows that many people do comfortably build multiplex relationships: Their friends are their customers, and vice versa. With delicacy, you can do the same thing.

Not everyone is a prospect
One mistake some network marketers make, as do many other sales people and marketers, is thinking of everyone they meet as a prospect. 
You just build relationships with a lot of people. Some will become prospects and some won’t, and you are the identifier to whom you need to share opportunity. Don’t waste your time on non-serious people.

Use online networks
The network marketing industry is a particularly good industry for leveraging online networks. This is your cold market this is how it can give you a 100% result,
Build Relation
Convert it into warm market
Show your franchise distribution opportunity

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Network Marketing Lead Generation Strategies

                   "Network Marketing- The Number Game"
Identify your target audience:
At the starting of your network marketing business you have to start with a list of 100 people you know, called your warm market.

What after that- what you think to make a huge audience that required for regular sign up. So here I am sharing to work with the cold market using technology.

When you start trying to generate leads, be sure to whom you're trying to invite and where you might be able to find them. First, identify the can be easy to know that, joining your direct sales business can help those person’s to fulfil their need.

Next, identify the people most likely to have that need; your target audience. For example, people who need more income may be stay-at-home parents or college students, ETC.

No matter what technique or strategy you are using to generate leads just keep in mind- your target audience, their desire, their needs and your business and product is helpful to fulfil it all. 

How to putting up the big numbers- as it is a Number Game,
How to get regular sign up in your business?

One way is to start doing the massive amount of Cold Market Prospecting. This is the most effective way to get your target audience but it will take your incredible time, you will face lots of rejections, you face the hunger even desperate. This is not for the obscure hearted people.

There is a better way of nowadays is internet/social media. but to generate more massive leads you need to get involve more than posting product Picture and testimonials to your social media page. you need to make your business rocket to the top of your company’s leadership ranks..🚀🚀
Massive Leads Come From a Massive Audience,
A biggest reason that people have low success rate in online marketing strategy is that they are making it in the surround of their family and friends and knows peoples.
They are not doing something what is attractive for the massive audience they are not doing more than posting product pictures and testimonials all day. Follow these strategies if you want to get 100% result in your network marketing business. 
#One way to grow an audience is with paid advertising:
Make campaign on Facebook or make a follower campaign on twitter. It help you to reach more audience and it defiantly will sound positive as your expectations.
Use the Leverage and Automation,
You have to a create a website or a page having all information about your business, The next best step
 is to ask your leads to sign up for your email list. You can get them to sign up by offering something for free, now you can create a list of Emails to shoot a Information Email about the facts and benefits to join your business and the general field that it's in, such as special sales, events, news, survey and research.
#Direct Massaging:
Another strategy used by network marketers is Direct Massaging
 to potential prospects to start conversation. Build a relationship and see if they are interested in network marketing business. This is a kind of online version of your cold market prospecting. It is easier to do and the rejection is a lot easier to handle. but It is very slow and time consuming. You need to keep patient. 
Make it comfort For People to Become Leads **,
And here is what to do to make it easy for someone to become a lead for you.
Let's Imagine,
A complete stranger approach you either online or offline to offer you a money making opportunity, and then ask your phone number name and E-mail id.
What happened to you what strike in your mind first- yes, you became defensive and try to find a quick way to come out from the conversation.
Let’s imagine in another way,
You have visited a complete stranger’s site full of products and testimonial and the related information, you have a list of products to decide as per your interest, what happened now- you will check it out with positive mind.  
As you or anyone else make a purchase got next level of information in e-mail or mobile number.
Here is the possibility you may get a buyer only who is not interested to sell it out. But everyone needs money so there is a great possibility also to find a partner rather than a buyer if you will share the information in right way.

To be Continue...!!
Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

Monday, December 10, 2018

Edification Triangle is Success Triangle

What is the success triangle in team..

Firstly I would like to introduce some key points about your bottom line so that you can easily can identify that with whom you can work to only grow your business. as i share with you before in one of my article that Quantity is good but Quality is the king of marketing and If you will focus on quality people only you can grow fast in your Network Marketing Business. 

1. People you know well : They trust you but may not respect you.. even in case of business hardly. 

2. Your Friend and Family : They do not trust over your upline/sponser. they will never make a relation with them and this is very important point to note you down. 

3. True Bottom Line/Heart Line : people trust you and respect to the upline you edify... thus a success triangle is created.  

Now How Edification Triangle work as a Success Triangle in prospecting.. 👇
Edification is extremely important if you want to create a milestone of success in network marketing business. to better understanding for value of Edification some key points are here, 

1. Use Edification Triangle to create Credibility- it will set the mindset of your prospect about the high vision of your upline. 

2. Use the Edification Triangle to establish a Connection- It will bond the mind of prospect to listen your upline in all the way with credibility.

3. Use the Edification Triangle to establish Leadership- It will the way of your leadership with high vision and credibility. 


What is Edification Triangle actually,
As you can see in the figure it is a triangle between you-prospect-upline,
when you prospected a person, here you are creating trust 
by your sharp edification skill about the opportunity you are offering to him/her and yes the credibility about your upline. Now your prospect will come with the positive mindset.
"Edification should also be done when you are initialising the meeting as well as during the prospecting."

Ohh, don't you worry about 👇

after your powerful edification your upline will build a relation with the prospect.

so if you want a magical result of Edification Triangle you have to follow It. get 100% result in your sale. 

To be Continue...!!

Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Power of Edification-The Secret Weapon of Network Marketing

"Edification is designed to improve you in some way, whether morally, educationally, or spiritually."
 It is a Positive power what can magically improve your business of Network Making.

Edification is simply a way of giving credibility to your company and the person engaging in the business relationship with you. It is a process through which each comes to regard the others with greater respect. Edify your company and your Upline like no-one is better than this in the world- if you want big results in sale.

Let’s analyse once when you are going to purchase a mobile and you asked about the features to the salesperson what kind of edification he explained about the product- it is like this one is the best mobile of the world.

EDIFICATION— a very common concept in network marketing for even half of a century that remains. 

Heart line— if your team doesn’t know how to edify the business and Upline properly, they’re compromising your credibility and weakening relationships with your prospects and existing teammates as well.

The big question is How to edify, so I am telling you there is no script for edification it depends on the person to person (prospect to prospect), Edification is the game of feel factor if you are heartily believe over your dreams and the way you selected to achieve your dreams- edification will come from your heart and it will seen on your face and voice with full of confidence and positivity.

Include these three factors in your edification to improve results 100%,


When you arrive at your appointment, the representative should first introduce the prospect to you and EDIFY the PROSPECT. Then, the representative should introduce you to the prospect and EDIFY YOU.

Proper edification involves sharing two types of information: Factoids & Humaniser.

Factoids- are the important parts of information your prospect should know about the person with whom he is talking. It includes names, titles, responsibilities, company represented and so.

Humaniser- are interesting and relevant bits of personal information that help to showcase the nature- what is the reason behind the success of the person, about dedication humanity and positivity that can change the thought process of your personal and regular life too.

Edification Triangle  

"Edify everyone at the outset of any discussion to setting the stage of your success!  

Call on +91-9667561656 now... Zero Investment. #Business of 21st Century