Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Greatest Fear in Network Marketing


Fear.  Everybody has them.  I do.  Yep But, I make those fears a driver for me, rather than something that stops me. No one really likes to admit they have fears. It's uncomfortable to talk about. 

But..if you are experiencing fear...what is
 your greatest fear in network marketing?

let's do a small exercise to get an exact ans,
My greatest fear about building a business in network marketing is...  (FILL IN THE BLANKS)
My greatest challenge is... (FILL IN THE BLANKS)
I'll share something with you.
When somebody first started in this business, the greatest fear is talking to people and wondering "why in the world would they listen to them?"  
the biggest challenge for mostly is quitting job too early and running out of money.
“Don’t limit yourself.  Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do.  You can go as far as your mind lets you.  What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” 
Most people will enthusiastically join a company.  
When they first join, they are filled with excitement and dreams of success.
But it doesn’t take long before their present negative thoughts start to damper their enthusiasm.  
That is when the negative comments start to flow …
”I can’t do what you do.” 
“I am too shy.”
“I can’t do parties
 and talk in front of people.” 
“What if I fail?” 
“I can’t sell!”
don’t let your fears control you.
Let's try to overcome from these major fears,
  • “I am too shy … I can’t do parties and talk in front of people.”

The number one (1) fear of most new network marketers is doing a party presentation in front of a room full of strangers … so let’s start from there. 
there are many new team members join because they want to be an entrepreneur, but stop dead in their tracks because they are afraid to speak in front of people when doing their company’s parties.
How can you change this self-imposed limit?   Start small!
Start by doing your party presentation, several times, in front of a mirror. This practice session should be just you and the mirror.  
  • Keep practicing until you know the presentation inside and out.

Next … it’s time for you to graduate to an audience … gather your kids together, if they are old enough to be supportive, or invite a really close friend and practice a few more times.

Now it is time for you to advance to a bigger group.  Such as, 2 or 3 team members who are battling the same fear as you.  Ask them if they would like to be your practice buddies.
  • implementing what you have been practicing into a real party.

Schedule your first party, but ask one of your practice buddies to come along for moral support. Just knowing she/he will be there will give you an added boost to your confidence.
these are the major fears i.e. usually brake your confidence to build a empire so friends overcome from these all and just analyse,

To be Continue...!!

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