Monday, June 25, 2018

Secret to Success

Do you really want to know The Secret to Success, let's have a look over some facts about,

What the successful people do differently, 

1. Successful people don't worry about other's opinions.
2. Successful people don't follow others.
3. Successful People are not easily distracted.
4. Successful People don't waste energy feeling upset about things they can'r     
5. Successful People don't let the negativity and criticism stop them.
6. Successful People don't focus on impressing others.
7. Successful People don't let the fear of failure hold them back from trying.
8. Successful People don't give up after failure.
9. Successful People don't make the same mistake. 

here is the conclusion of the facts that,
"There is only a Secret to Success is that There is no Secret to Success"
The Road to Success comes through Hard Work, Determination and Sacrifice, nothing worth having come easily so stop doubting yourself work hard and make it happen. Success is not an accident you have to earn it. A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat and determination. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.

Not poverty but idleness is a great curse. If we waste time, time shall waste us. A life crammed with work is a life bubbling with the joy of success. Great men of the world were born in cottages but they died in palaces.

What does it matter if a man lives for ninety years, and it is all a story of idleness and wasted opportunities? 

America's famous President Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in the forest. He could not afford a lamp and read borrowed books with the light of the fire in the hearth. And yet by dint of hard work, he rose to be the greatest man of his time.

Edison worked for twenty-one hours a day. He slept only for two or three hours on the laboratory tables with his books as his pillow.

Hard work is the price that we pay for success and all the gifts of life.
"A man of action acts in the living present. There is no tomorrow for him. He makes the best of his time."
Life is full of strife. Life is action. Activity is the law of Nature. A life of idleness is a life of shame and disgrace. Idle men are intruders on society. We are endowed with brain and limbs, which are meant to be properly exercised. Failure in life is very often due to idleness. Industry is the key to success. Industry makes and idleness mars a nation.

To be Continue...!!

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