Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Networking Tips For Women


Entrepreneurs are a rare breed. A study shows that less than 8% of the adults in the world work on their own business. Women account for less than half of that number.

The few things that women can keep in mind to increase their network and How to Use Network to Grow Your Business Without Being sales call. As with most things, there are certain do’s and don’ts when it comes to networking.

#Dress Well : First impression is the last impression. Dressing well and appropriate on different occasions can set different contexts in your life. You can choose between business formals and business casuals depending on your mood and commitment. Dressing well also promotes your leadership qualities. It shows that you are best prepared to deal with risks and challenges thrown at your way.  
#Try Attending All Social Events : Whether it is a corporate party or a private kitty party, women need to attend all of them if they want to increase their social network. Parties are known to be spaces where people tend to get social. You will also meet a diverse range of people there and you never know who can turn out to be useful. Interactions at these parties are also very social. Many people find their prospective clients at such parties. 
#Work With Diversity : If you are really interested in growing your pool of network, you will need to cater to diversity and work with them. More diversity at your workplace will mean that you will be introduced to newer people, communities and culture. It will also empower you to learn about others. Diversity gives you a golden opportunity for you to develop useful contacts, gain helpful information, and obtain positive business referrals.  

Use Social Media Well : Social media is the best form of communication today. It has surpassed all the forms of communication and hosts around 2.50 billion people worldwide. The most amazing feature of social media is that you can reach out to anyone without having to move anywhere. All you need is internet connection. Social media is great for your business as it acts as a medium for advertisement.
#Get To Know Them Beforehand : Social media can tell you a lot about people’s interests and desires. You can use this information before approaching them. A little knowledge about people’s passions, interests and desires can make you understand their demand and needs well. It can also help you tailor your services for them.  
#Learn From Mistakes : It is always very imperative to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them. If you have made any mistakes in the past in terms of networking, for eg. pushed too hard for something or overtalked at some event, it is suggested that you don’t repeat it. In today’s age of digital and fast-paced networking, it is very easy to make mistakes that go unnoticed. Mistakes can also bring a huge blow to your business. If you hurt someone or publicly embarrass someone, chances are that people might get intimidated. Always learn to carry a respectable image in public.
#Align Your Values With Others : This is the most important factor to keep in mind while networking. Aligning your values according to others means understanding needs and demands of people and supplying them service according to their needs. If you align your values, it is easy to attract attention and fulfill your professional cum personal goals. Aligning your values may also make you a people’s person as a lot of people will start investing time and faith on you.

Most businesses are built on these two factors: time and faith.

Therefore it makes more sense for women to make sure that they invest time and faith onto people they are looking to connect with. 

To be Continue...!!
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