Sunday, September 9, 2018

Goal Setting


Goal setting is a frequently used term in business. That’s because it’s an important part of business success. We can’t move forward without goals.

Goal setting and business success

Small goals lead to big accomplishments. Short-term goals create long-term achievements. Professional goals can help us realize our personal goals.Goal setting is a frequently used term in business.

That’s because it’s an important part of business success. We can’t move forward without goals.

What is the Mean of Goal Setting,
Goal setting is a popular strategy for success in today's world. Between work, health, relationships and finance, life can become chaotic and disorganized. Fortunately, you don’t have to dive into life’s challenges blindly. By setting well-defined personal goals, it’s possible to increase your motivation and focus while improving your chances for success.

Goals works for success fast. types of goals,

Short Term Goal
Long Term Goal

Short Term Goal,

A big question is what is My Short Term Goal?
I am sharing a very easy way to find your short term goal, Ask yourself; as a leader what kind of things you require to be Ideal  for your team, It may be a watch or a bag or a pair of shoes etc.
You may suppose to surprise your 
near and dear.
You may wa
nt to go for a party with your Friends.
You may wa
t to go for a short fun holiday.

It may be anything..... 

strongly decide that you will fill all additional expenses by your extra income only you will not touch your defined income. 

Long Term Goal,

Dream Big because “When you cease to dream, You cease to live”
Start dreaming for a life that you and your family deserve and start to work for that by believing in the Law of Attraction. 

Set your goals for upcoming next 10/15 years, just analyse where you want to look yourself after 10 years it will surly work.

S.M.A.R.T. pla
nning works, 

S – Specific – The more specific you can be with writing down your objective, the easier it will be to clearly see what it is you need to accomplish. Often, answering the five “W” questions—Who, What, Where, Why, and Which—can help you achieve greater specificity.
M – Measurable – Can your goal be measured? How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal?
A – Attainable – Another way of putting this is “realistic.” Is it possible to achieve the goal you’ve set for yourself?
R – Relevant – For businesses, a relevant goal means that it has the potential to impact your business objectives, vision, or values.
T – Time-bound – Give your goal a deadline.
SMART has been a successful goal-setting framework for a long time because it is easy to understand, to act on, and to follow up with.

1. Clarity – Similar to the specificity from SMART goal-setting, clear goals help immensely with understanding the task at hand, measuring the results, and achieving success.
2. Challenge – The goal should be difficult and challenging enough to prove motivating, but not so challenging that it’s impossible to achieve. 
3. Commitment – Get your teammates and Involve them in the goal-setting process.
4. Feedback – Measure your progress and seek advice throughout the pursuit toward the goal.
5. Task complexity – Be careful in adding too much complexity to your goals as complexity can impact morale, productivity, and motivation.
goal -setting
goal -setting


Big – Define your ultimate goal.
Act Small – Identify the milestones that will help you achieve that goal .
Move Quick – Come up with a timeline for achieving each milestone.

to achieve your milestone you have to work on two side,
nal Goal Setting 
Team Goal Setting 


Long Term goal setting works for your dreams, here Examples from real-world include:

  • SpaceX: Enable human exploration and settlement of Mars
  • Microsoft: A computer on every desk and in every home
So, what are your goals for 2018-19? It’s time to make things happen.

To be Continue...!!
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