Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The DNA of a Leader

"The True Leader Lead with Zeal and are a constant Example to Others in their speech, Dress and Conduct."

Choosing the right dress and adornment is a communication skill. If we’re smart, we can use our clothing choices to send important messages.
The fact is, to look like a leader and to be seen as such both internally and externally requires a certain careful and polished style. For example, every business leader – man or woman – is well dressed. It isn’t cheap. Their dress and adornment, however, sends certain important signals: ready for serious business, strength and, frankly, success.

#Leaders Look Confident,
Confident about your weight, height, body type, age, gender.

The point of all this is to that you dress to make yourself look your very best in every situation. Without confidence, there is no leadership. 
"People don't listen to those who are unsure of themselves." 

#Leaders Look Authentic,

There are certain style personalities who work very well for certain industries and professions. The most authentic leaders in the world are consistent in what they wear every day. No matter which signature look they have chosen, 

"it consistently says something about them and the person they are - and about the keyword they have chosen." 
Keywords, such as consistency, are the keys to authenticity.

#Leaders Look Professional,

A professional image can easily be damaged at after-hour events. I saw Most of Female Leaders who, when at work, wear the most traditional, classic and conservative pieces, and who arrive for an evening event in inappropriate mini dresses.

Wearing reversible or convertible designs lets you follow the “+1/-1 Rule”. The idea is to always dress +1 up so you're never underprepared or underdressed in a professional setting. If you need to dress down for a casual Friday outfit you can go -1 or one level down from your usual business attire.

#Leaders Look Respectful,
Leadership is a matter of both showing and earning respect. Dressing appropriately is a matter of respect as well. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for leaders. But there is one thing all leaders have in common: they respect themselves. This means first and foremost that they are willing to invest time and effort into themselves. 

"Your professional appearance and attitude is an investment, not a burden. There's an ROI (Return On Investment) on professional appearance, and anyone who aspires to leadership needs to understand that."

#Leaders Look Controlled,

Self-control and self-discipline is a must for leaders. If you can't organize yourself, your ability to have others follow you is very doubtful. Successful leaders are usually highly self-controlled, they have a tremendous sense of organization, inner calm, and resolve.

"Take control, not only of what you wear, but also your overall image including your grooming, personal hygiene (hair, teeth, breath, nails, body  etc) and the friends you surround yourself with."

Be prepared for the predictable and unpredictables. 

For the predictable:
There are many things we need to consider when we dress up in the morning such as what's the big picture of the day, with whom will you be interacting, where are you going to meet? Where are you possibly heading to after you have met? What message do you have to deliver today and so forth. If you don't have answers to these questions, you might have to do some research beforehand to get the answers, including researching about the people are going to meet. 

For the unpredictable: 
- Keep a toothbrush/mint in the office in case of bad breath after lunch. 
- Have a hand-held steamer at work in case you need to steam out your outfit.

By being confident, authentic, respectful and controlled, you will leave a great sustained professional imprint. 

#And lastly, leaders lead by example,

"Leaders provide guidance: Leaders motivate and inspire people to take action, most often by their own actions."

Watch this and follow if you want to see yourself at the place where you wish to be  👇

To be Continue...!!

if you want to live your dreams contact on+91-9990345891 


  1. There are so many highlighting points in ur blog which will help me to improve my overall personality.
    I will surely follow these points ��
