Wednesday, July 11, 2018

How Easy is to become a Millionaire

Are you currently stuck, spinning your wheels and wondering exactly about how to become a Millionaire?
What if I told you that to become a Millionaire really quite simple (note: I didn’t say it was easy) but it is only possible by "Network Marketing" and by Implementing these some strategies into your routine can help you to see real results and real income from your business.


Spoiler Alert: Lasting, overnight success does not exist!

#1 Expand Your Network
One of the number one complaints I hear from network marketers is this: “I just don’t have enough people to talk to.” On the surface, this sounds silly! After all, people are everywhere. But believe me… I used to be in the same boat! When I started my business. I was shy, quiet, and terrified to talk to the people I knew about my business. In order to succeed, I had to identify the kind of people I would most like to work with, and then consciously work to meet more of those people!
In 2006, Facebook was still only open to college students, and wasn’t yet being used as a business building tool. Twitter was in its infancy, and Instagram did not exist yet! I had to expand my network through good old fashioned belly-to-belly networking, and I had to get over my fears fast!
Today, it’s much easier because of social media. You can easily expand your network by committing to meeting 10 new people a day on Facebook. You can do this in about an hour through Facebook groups, commenting/engaging on others’ posts, and reaching out to those you connect with through friend requests and messenger. The best part is, this won’t cost you a dime in advertising!


#2 Connect with 5 People Every Day

Every day I see people pitch-pitch-pitching their network marketing product or opportunity to people on Facebook. Heck, I used to be one of those people! Then I learned a better way! Rather than pitching, offer VALUE. People get on social media to be educated, entertained and informed… not sold! Share your business on social media by sharing your lifestyle. Become the person whose posts people look forward to reading each day! Then, connect with people privately through messenger. 
When you become the person who’s posts people like to see, then back those posts up with genuine, heartfelt communication, you can naturally fit your product or business into your conversation. So be genuine! Don’t just drop a link.
The normal kind of conversations you used to have BEFORE you became a network marketer! And then…

#3 Follow Up on 3 Conversations a Day

 A day or two later, it might be appropriate for you to reach back out to person and say: “Hey, I’ve been thinking about what you said the other day… about how you wish you could go back to Florida every year. My home business is helping me set aside a little extra income each month to save for a big annual family vacation, and I’d love to share with you how I’m doing that, and how you could maybe do that too. If I sent you some information about it, would you be open to learning more?”
Some of your other follow-ups for the day might be to people who’ve already agreed to look at your business presentation, or who have tried a sample, or who may be interested in joining your customer program. I’m not saying that 3 out of every 5 conversations you have on Facebook will lead to an invite, but as you get better at asking questions and genuinely listening, almost everyone will express a want or a need that your business opportunity can help with! These are the people you reach back out to at a later time!
It is a big commitment, but network marketing can be a very lucrative career.
Many people are scared away from network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), because of all the myths and misunderstanding about this type of business. Part of negativity comes from reported low MLM success rates. Success comes from doing the work to build it. 

1) Brush Up on the Realities of MLMs

Any great feat requires knowledge and action. 

2) Find a Company With A Product You Love

Do your MLM research and partner with a company that has a product you can get excited about. Don't forget to look into the company's compensation plan before you join and make sure it is favorable to you.

3) Be Genuine and Ethical

Good business conduct will ensure that your customers and recruits don't feel duped, and as a result, will stick with you.

4) Don’t Barrage Your Friends and Family

There's nothing wrong with letting them know what you're doing and seeing if they have an interest, but if the answer is "no," let it go. 

5) Identify Your Target Market

you're going to have greater success and efficiency if you identify your target market and focus your marketing efforts at them. Someone who doesn't care about vitamins or health and wellness isn't a good person to pester about your business. 

6) Make an Effort to Share Your Product//Business Plan Everyday

your target market is the key to generating new customers and recruits. Some ideas include sharing a product sample, inviting a neighbor to host a product party, or starting a website or social media account.

7) Sponsor, Don’t Recruit

being a leader and trainer. The focus is on the success of heartline,  you help them in the business, not on you. That means you need to take time to train them, answer questions, celebrate their successes, and be a support when things are tough.

8) Set a Goal for Parties or Presentations

determine how many people you need to show your products or business to reach your goals in the time you want. Doing so will ensure you grow your business rather than just sustain it.

9) Listen and Sell the Solution

Sales is all about being a solution to what a customer needs.
10) Learn How to Market
MLM often stick to the three-foot rule (everyone within 3-feet of you is a prospect) and other traditional marketing tactics.
11) Stand Out from Other Distributors
you need to do something that makes you unique compared to everyone else. Give people a reason to choose you over other reps.

12) Develop a System for Following Up

If someone tells you no, but there was something in the dialogue that suggested they might be interested in the future, ask if you can put them on your mailing or email list, or if you can call in six months to follow up. Many will give you their email or phone number just because they want to be nice.
Even so, use your calendar or contact system to remind you when to call.

Keep the same things in mind as when you wanted to be succeed in Network Marketing business
# To succeed, you need to be willing to listen and learn from mentors. The way this industry is structured, it's in the best interests of the [MLM veterans in your company] to help you succeed, so they're willing to teach you the system So #Practice what they teach

# You should be able to relate to [the people in your upline] and be able to call them at any time to say "I need some help." How much support there is from the people above you in the company is very important. #The higher-ups.

You should be prepared to spend at least 30 days helping a new person come into the industry--training them, supporting them and holding their hand until they feel confident to be able to go off on their own. You really need to ask yourself, are you willing to do that? Are you able to do that? This is really about long-term relationship building. It's not about just bringing people into the business and just moving forward. It's about working with these people and helping them to develop relationships #Take up the lead with your downline

# Automation on the internet has allowed a much more consistent method of following up #On the net

What are your write-offs?It's important to set up a [support] team around you. I'd suggest seeking out lawyers who deal in network marketing, so they're very versed in all the laws and how that affects your business #Taking care of business

Never leave your full-time position unless you're absolutely certain that the income that's coming in with this company is going to be there. [Be sure that] you've been with the company [for awhile] and that you know it's a stable company, and the income that you're earning is equal to or greater than the income you're earning from your job before quitting #Don't quit your day job...yet

To be Continue...!!

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