Monday, June 4, 2018

Do You smell a Scam Here ?

Signs It Could Be An MLM Scam:
There are many red flags that should warn you away from a business or financial opportunity, but the biggest is a lack of a product. Programs that push recruiting over the sales of a product or service might be a pyramid scheme. If a company isn’t focused on acquiring more customers to buy its products, but rather, it's interested in "building a team" or membership of sales reps, consider it a red flag.


The foundation of any good MLM business is about getting products and service to end consumers. While building a team can be a part of that, income is based on goods sold by the team, not in the recruiting itself.

Network marketing is all about leverage. You can leverage your time and increase the number of hours of work effort on which you can be paid by sponsoring other people and earning a small income on their efforts.... This very basic concept is the cornerstone of network marketing.

Just be aware and go for a right option after a proper justification, don't let this opportunity go only due to some fraud Money Spinners.

To be Continue...!!

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